Family Story




Documenting your story for the next generation is one of our most important jobs.

a ranch story-

Eagle Rock Ranch | est. 1882

This client wanted to create authentic imagery of her parents doing what they loved to do. Her parents work side-by-side and while they were still doing so, she knew she wanted imagery of their family place. She was intentional in seeking out a photographer that would know what to look for when it comes to telling a story of the ranching legacy.

After a phone consult I had a better idea of exactly what, and who specifically, was most important in the story she wanted her photos to tell. And since most often these sessions occur on a heavy work day (branding, etc.) the phone call ahead of time allows me to not bother the family with a ton of questions during our session, instead I arrive and jump right in.

Often times the first concern with hiring a photographer for a big work day is that it may add too much stress to what already can be stressful enough, especially for the guy in charge.

This is where my experience matters. I know how ranches operate and I am a ranchers daughter so let me put it this way - we (ranch kids) learn quickly how to read body language right? Hope you’re smiling because if you know, you know. So I am fully aware of knowing when it’s ok to ‘get the shot’ and when it’s time to get out of the way. And the latter is never taken personally.

  • YOU are incredibly talented! So grateful you are willing to travel. The difference in lifestyle and family legacy lifestyle is very clear. THANK YOU!

    legacy session review

a farm story-

Double O Farms | est. 1885

This client wanted to tell the farm story from her point of view. She wanted to see herself in the story, which I know as a mom can be difficult to get yourself in the photo since you’re normally the one taking them. But time is fleeting and the story changes so quickly. I’m so glad she didn’t wait.

For her, she wanted to capture the every day life on the farm and some behind the scenes of their direct sell beef business. So we did just that, shooting with both content and family story in mind.

I visited them 3 different times over the course of a year. For her it was important to capture every season on the family farm operation.

In a family operation it can be hard to differentiate what belongs to who. And it’s not the pride of knowing what’s yours but its the meaning behind the expansion that maybe you had a say in, which overall helps the family operation as a whole. That detail was important in this story. This pivot was their part in the family story. Their way of growing into the big dream ahead of them. The dream that was planted by the generation before. So with pride and absolute honor, they take the risk and that’s worth documenting.

Generational thinking is what it’s all about when it comes to a Legacy Session.

  • "We just loved all of it. Working with Sara was so easy and our prints are stunning!"

    legacy session review

  • A photographer that can capture the family story so well but also create fine art quality imagery that is personal to you. A family journalist - truly.

  • I absolutely love your work!! I think these types of images are easiest to "fit in" to ones organic marketing when taken in ones native spaces.  Overall the experience was great and I'd recommend you any time!

    legacy/content session

Why I was born to be a storyteller —

my story

When I was 14 I lost my Dad to a horse accident. He was doctoring by himself on a colt and well, the details aren’t fun to think about. I try and appreciate (because I know he would) that he truly died doing what he loved, and went out with his spurs still ringing.

His memory inspires almost everything I do. I named this business Happy Trails because thats how he’d sign everything. As a little girl I can remember little love notes. One in particular was written on a ripped off paper towel holding a fresh picked pasture bouquet - the kind money can’t buy. He always picked me Indian Paintbrushes and as you can see they are scattered all over the website. His memory, his sweet sentiment - it matters to me.

Photographs helped me see that -

There is promise & redemption in my story.

About 16 years after loosing him I went through quite a bit mentally. Depression hit due to delayed grief and added pain of selling our family ranch. As healing tends to come through finding meaning I slowly curated what I now call Legacy Sessions. I realized I have the God given gift through my talent behind the camera and the unique life experience to intentionally capture the family ranching operation. In short, I know I’m made for this.

Photos by McFarland Productions

may you live openhanded -

Legacy Sessions

What’s all included

These sessions are for the client seeking a more in-depth storytelling experience. That is why we take a full year to capture it all. Typically this client has deep roots in the land and/or livestock. With that, the sessions will take place where ever the client feels deeply connected. Click below to learn more.

  • A Legacy Session isn’t just one session, it is actually one full year of coverage. With one year coverage (3 sessions total) I am able to capture your story as a whole. We decide together what times of the year are best for photos - this is where it gets fun - you can have me out for big work days (spring work, fall branding, harvest etc.). These are times when the memories are made and I’d love to be there for it all.

  • Another aspect that is unique to a Legacy Session is including your family history. We take the time to pick through your past by sharing stories, old photos, whatever it may be and we use that to inspire the photos we create for your year of coverage. You may also choose to include the old photos with the new in your custom album, providing a true heirloom family album to enjoy for years to come.

  • After one whole year of coverage, the investment of your time and money, the icing on the cake of a Legacy Session is the custom album. I want my clients to walk away with something tangible. Something they can hold in their hands to remind them of time well spent.

    What is unique about the album is the room on the pages for your personalization. Alongside the old and the new you can fill the pages with the story in your handwriting, if you so choose. We can get into detail more as we plan your session but I hope you can see the quality investment an album like this can be for the entire family. Think of it as more of a family journal.

Lifestyle Sessions

If you’re reading this and thinking you do not need an entire year of coverage, then check out my Lifestyle Sessions.

Lifestyle Sessions can look many different ways but typically I prefer to shoot these in your home. A way to tell the story of legacy within your home is you could have a deep connection to the land by gardening the way your grandparents taught you, your husband in the garage working on cars the way he and his Dad used to growing up, or maybe you feel a deep connection to your loved ones when you're sharing a meal. I’d love to capture ways that legacy is lived out for you.

click here for Lifestyle Session info

The way I am able to capture my family story is a gift

invite me into yours